Kugar (NZ CH Rafoej My Kugar) - was bred to - Sadie (NZ CH Addenhund Calibre Sadie NA P2)
Date of Birth: 06-Nov-2024
Solo (NZ CH Addenhund Dalibor Sol) - was bred to - Georgia (NZ CH Rafoej Our Georgia)
Date of Birth: 03-Sep-2022
Tahlia's "Elysia" litter
Date of Birth: 18-Jul-2021
The COI (co-efficient of inbreeding) is 3.167%.
Yola's 'Dalibor' litter
Date of Birth: 24-Dec-2020
This litter had been planned for some time, with both Kugar and Yola being extremely enthusiastic outdoor dogs, skilled hunters and highly social and easy-going. The COI (co-efficient of inbreeding) is 1.469%.
Unfortunately, there was only one pup in this litter, but he is awesome. Photos from whelping onward are on the Addenhund facebook group.
Georgia's 'Calibre' litter
Date of Birth: 19-Apr-2020
Andras (CH Nádorpusztai András of Habanero)
- Hungarian registration:
Georgia whelped a litter of five pups - three males and two females. I am very excited about the potential of this litter, with champion field trial lines on the sire's side, and a very intense and skilled hunter in the dam. I expect the pups to have excellent natural ability, strong drive and high level of trainability, as well as being good companion dogs. The COI (co-efficient of inbreeding) is 0.458%
I'm pleased at the quality of the homes they've gone to, and look forward to hearing how they go as hunters in the field, in trials and in the agility ring. Photos from whelping onward are on the Addenhund facebook group.
Yolanda's 'Bela' litter
Date of Birth: 20-May-2019
Yola had a litter of 10 pups, 5 males and 5 females. The COI (co-efficient of inbreeding) is 4.134%.
The Bela litter have gone to homes from the far North right to the far South, but also with many nearby. Most have gone to be hunting/companion dogs, and are doing really well with their early training and first finds. Photos of the litter from whelping onwards are on the facebook group Addenhund Hungarian Vizsla.
Lady Georgia's 'Alchemy' litter
Date of Birth: 11-Jan-2019
Lady Georgia's Alchemy litter had 1 girl and 3 boys. The COI (co-efficient of inbreeding) is 4.161%.
I have kept the girl, Tahlia, as she has fantastic natural hunting ability and good prospects as a potential breeding bitch. Photos are on the Addenhund facebook group.