Sadie (NZ CH Addenhund Calibre Sadie NA P2)

Sadie (NZ CH Addenhund Calibre Sadie NA P2)

  • NZKC registration: 04437-2020

I’m delighted to introduce Sadie, hugely affectionate and loyal with her people, calm and composed in any situation, and tough and hardworking in the field.

Addenhund Calibre Sadie is the daughter of my foundation bitch, Georgia, from the imported semen of Nádorpusztai András of Habanero, from European multi-champion field trial lines on both sides. Sadie belongs to Neville and Zanelle, who have raised her to be both a loving and happy companion dog and a focused hardworking hunting dog (pheasant and quail). In Neville’s words, “She’s a pretty tough character, can do what she has been bred to do and is a wonderful dog to have around in the house”. I am so pleased to be finally in a position to breed from her, and am very grateful to Neville and Zanelle for this opportunity.

Temperament. As a companion, Sadie’s people describe her as a very loving, doting dog - loves to be with you and to have physical contact with you. She is clever and easily trained, can comfortably be left at home or with other people as a sleep over and fits into new routines. She has no behavioural issues or anxiety at all. She travels well, calm and relaxed. She is sociable with other dogs and likes to play even as an adult dog. She is easy around other animals including cats and farm animals (horses, sheep, chickens). She is calm when taken into town and she can go into stores where dogs are allowed and she can sit quietly at a restaurant. Sadie loves all outdoor activities and to run with the bikes. She is a strong runner with good stamina, and can easily do 20km. She also loves the beach and retrieving balls from the water. She is a strong swimmer and copes with all sorts of water including fairly big waves. 
Sadie has stayed with us on numerous occasions, fitting in with my Addenhund pack at home and adventuring on a road trip to the South Island. I can vouch for her versatility and confidence; she’s happy and calm taking on new experiences and is hugely affectionate (with the softest velvet ears!).

Ability. As a hunting dog, she is used mainly on pheasant and quail, and uses her nose well. She adapts her hunting pattern to suit the terrain and quarry - on pheasant she tends to run wide and on open terrain will go out to about 200m; if there are quail she is more careful, goes slower and tends to keep in close. She is confident and calm with gunshot, and she retrieves to hand and learnt this easily. Sadie is robust and tough, both physically and mentally. She is not intimidated by difficult terrain and will take on dense bush, thick, tall grass and steep slopes. She loves the water and will happily take to dams or streams even in the cold. 

Sadie passed the Natural Ability test at the age of 1, and scored the highest marks on the day. She also competed in three gundog trials as a young dog before she was 2yo, finishing in the top four each time.


Health. Sadie is very fit and active, with a robust constitution and has had no health issues at all. She has inherited her mother’s great skin and immune system, and has no intolerances or sensitivities (skin contact or food). Her PennHIP scores are low on the distraction index and balanced on both sides and in the words of the vet, “little risk of hip arthritis in the future and great genetics for breeding”. Her NZVA elbow results are also good. Her specialist eye exam was clear. Her parents on both sides are DNA tested clear of cerebellar cortical degeneration

Conformation. Sadie has excellent conformation, with medium bone, excellent topline, well laid shoulders, deep chest, good tuck-up, good angulation and steady balanced movement. She is a moderately sized bitch (mid-range on the vizsla standard). She has done very well in the show ring (given none of her humans enjoy it!) earning her championship title easily and also winning Best of Breed at the National Prelude and Reserve of Breed at the Nationals in 2023.