Solo (NZ CH Addenhund Dalibor Sol)

Solo (NZ CH Addenhund Dalibor Sol)

  • NZKC registration: 02199-2021

I’m proud to be introducing Solo as a sire – the first dog of my own breeding to be used within my programme. Sires for use within my breeding programme are carefully selected for their genetic contribution and for features that complement specific bitches (conformation, temperament, hunting ability). 

Solo is the son of Yola and Kugar. Right from a young pup, his great temperament and natural ability stood out, as well as the smooth easy way he carried himself.      


Here is what his owners say about him:

From our first day together, Solo showed no reservations about his new surroundings, storming through the house and yard, sniffing every corner. This hasn’t changed as he’s matured, he remains confident and curious regardless of the surroundings - training classes, dog shows, university campus, halls of residence, busy waterfronts, engineering workshops, hardware stores. He travels well, even across the country, and shows consistent soundness around strange noises, surfaces, people, children and dogs alike. He is the “go anywhere” dog I’ve wished for all my life.  

Lively, athletic and adventurous, Solo loves to explore and when outdoors is always on a mission - nose to the ground or up in the air. He naturally follows animal tracks, has since he was a young puppy, and seeks out deer sign. He ranges out confidently but generally within sight, and consistently stops and waits to look back if he gets more than 15m ahead, even in the open.

As a family pet, Solo is a delight. Outgoing, interactive and affectionate. He’s a physical dog who loves a good wrestle, game of tug or simply throwing himself upside down at your feet. In more quiet moments, he’ll invite himself to curl up in your lap, or lean against your leg while you tend to human chores. He’s doting towards the family cat, welcoming of household guests and loves children.

When I first reached out to Jude, I hoped for a dog who could be as keen to dabble in dog sports as I was. What I ended up with was a dog who is engaged, enthusiastic, easy to motivate, a problem solver and on board with every new venture I’ve asked him to join me on. From the start, Solo learned concepts quickly, blasting through sessions before I was even ready for the next stage, then looking up to ask what we were doing next. Exercises that had taken days or weeks with previous dogs of notoriously intelligent breeds with strong working ability took Solo minutes to connect the dots. It didn’t take long for us to exhaust our initial training plan and send me back to my resources so I could find further ways to keep him stimulated.

Solo is still early in his sport career but we are currently training in rally obedience, working dog trials, tracking and conformation, with eyes set on scentwork further down the line. He’s exceeded my expectations in all aspects. He’s a busy dog who lives for human interaction and as my training partner, he continues to amaze me. I’m excited to see where we will go as a team."

Solo has very good conformation – the best of each of his parents. He is a robust moderate sized dog with good bone and deep chest. He has a lovely level topline, and very good angulation, balance and movement. He has a masculine well-defined head, and soft eyes. Solo has been to only a few conformation shows, and has done extremely well, earning challenges and Best of Breed against good competition, and Best of Breed at the 2023 National Shows.  

Solo’s health test results are very good: the PennHIP is better than breed average, elbows are both clear and accredited, and the ophthalmic exam was clear on all counts. He is clear of cerebellar cortical degeneration (both his parents have tested clear in their DNA tests). Like many dogs with bare underbellies, contact with the toxic plant tradescantia has caused inflammation.